Scared Hitless

Rounders Team

We are Scared Hitless, named because we were all scared sh#tless when we first formed on the 2016 winter league! In the short space of 12 months we have gone from 7 players to 16 which makes it a challenge but wouldn’t have it any other way and I make sure everyone plays!

We don’t practice but some of us try to get to the just play sessions between being mums/wives and everything else life throws at us ha ha!
I don’t think we have a team joker were all as miserable as each other #Bants ha ha

We love playing to get away from the house for an hour ha ha
We’re all like minded people in our team who just have the desire to enjoy a team sport and have plenty of fun doing it!

Our socialising is mainly done on the school yard or the local pub ha ha! Though the majority of us live within a stones throw of each other, we also have a few players who we couldn’t play without, who live further afield!

We’re not in it to be competitive (though a couple of our players would disagree) but we just have fun, don’t take ourselves to seriously and most of us enjoy spending time away from the kids and partners!

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