What leagues/days does your team play?
Summer outdoor, winter indoor Monday Wednesday
Why are you called that?
Affiliated to Read Cricket Club
Captains’ names
Helen Hindley
Contact info
Hannah Hoyle mtbmonsterhh@gmail.com
How long has the team been playing in the leagues?
3 Years
Do your team practice/train
Yes Thursday nights at Read cricket club 6pm to 7.30pm
Who is the team joker?
They are all jokers
Why does your team love playing Rounders in our leagues?
Creates new friendships, enjoy competitive sport, respect the opposition
Social side – add a few examples of the social side of your team.
Support the cricket club functions (ie disco’s BBQ’s,bonfires, family days) arrange charity events
Why should a potential new player join your team?
Panthers are a fun and friendly bunch with no egos, who whilst having that competitive edge, encourage each other and the opposition when its not going so well, promote a good team ethic and appreciates that everyone is treated fairly, last but least enjoy social nights out