Burnley Leisure’s weight loss programme for men has been recognised by Public Health England.
The Claret Fit Fans programme, which is run by Burnley Leisure’s healthy lifestyles team, has been identified as ‘promising’ practice in the nation-wide study.
The initiative was one of the 34 programmes to receive some sort of recognition with a total of 952 programmes submitted for the assessment.
Linda Searle, head of health and wellbeing at Burnley Leisure, said: “We are extremely pleased that our men’s health programme has gained an acknowledgement for its achievements in supporting our male residents to lose weight and make positive changes to their lifestyles.”
The “Identifying ‘what works’ for local physical inactivity interventions” report took a rigorous, objective look at local physical activity interventions across England to discover the practice that works.
It is the largest survey of physical activity programmes in England ever conducted.
Using stringent criteria and process, the study ranked programmes into five categories: no proven practice, promising practice, emerging practice, developing practice, and proven practice.
However, no programmes assessed reached the threshold of the highest proven ranking.
With the development of the new Prairie Sports Village healthy lifestyles team is looking to build upon the positive feedback received from the study panel and develop the men’s weight loss programme even further.
The Claret Fit Fans was a 12-week pilot programme delivered via a series of workshops focusing on diet, nutrition, and physical activity. It also used football as a tool to support the men in making positive changes in their lifestyle.
To carry on the good practice and to get behind the Men’s Health Week (15th-21st June), healthy lifestyles team is launching two male only weight loss programmes.
Delivered by men to men, programmes include group and one-to-one support, circuit-based exercise sessions as well as food and training challenges.
Men with BMI of 25 and over who want to lose weight are welcome to join in and attend sessions at St Peters Centre on Mondays 10am -11.15am, starting 15th June, and on Thursdays 6.30pm -7.45pm, starting 18th June.
The cost is £3.50 per session. For more information on accessing the programme please contact the healthy lifestyles team on 01282 477134 or email healthylifestyles@burnley.gov.uk.