Entries are now coming in thick and fast for the second Burnley Leisure’s 10k run this autumn.
The event is open to anyone aged of 15 and over; however, there is a limit of 200 places so it’s important to register your interest sooner rather than later.
The run is suitable for all levels of ability which means it is a great opportunity for anybody to take part. Last year the course record was set by Burnley Leisure employee Gary Shaw with a time of 35 minutes and 20 seconds.
The 10k run commences at 11am at Padiham Leisure Centre on Sunday 18th September.
The picturesque route includes the former Padiham railway line, which is now the Padiham Greenway, the Leeds and Liverpool Canal tow path and through the Hapton and Padiham countryside.
Padiham Leisure Centre facilities manager and race organiser, Garry Stein, said: “The run will be a brilliant day, full of fun for all ages whether you’re supporting or taking part. It’s an opportunity to challenge yourself and have a great time as well.”
Entry costs £11 for Member UKA Club members and £12 for non-club members. Application forms are available at St Peter’s and Padiham leisure centres, or by emailing leisure@burnley.gov.uk. You can also register online at bookitzone.com/garry_stein/cT2FFX.
If you have any further enquiries please contact 01282 477222 or leisure@burnley.gov.uk.