Public Consultation Invite - Burnley Cultural Strategy

Could you spare 5 minutes to complete our cultural strategy survey?

In this place where we belong: our people, our place, our creativity.


Here at Burnley Leisure and Culture, we are working on a new cultural strategy – and we need to hear from YOU Culture means lots of different things to different people. It’s a part of our everyday lives, and it’s about the things we enjoy doing, making our lives richer, meaningful and happier.

We want to help you think more about culture and what it might involve (not including Sport and Fitness)

“We all do it – we all need it – even if we don’t know we are doing it – From Museums to Galleries, Theatres to Concert Halls to the local Pub, Television to Film, Festivals to Mela – in our homes, at school, at the community centre, places of worship – on your own, with others, out in our parks and countryside. From Drama to Dance, Pop to Classical to Folk, HipHop to Ballet, Rapping to Beat Boxing, Stand Up Comedy to Spoken Word, Poetry to Storytelling, Disc Jockeying to Drawing, Painting to Pottery, Knitting to Crocheting, Book Clubs to Flower Arranging, Digital Art to Photography, Fashion to Design, Architecture to Crafting, Sculpting to Singing, Karaoke to Tattooing, Playing in a Band to Gaming and Digital Creativity. Culture is in everything we do – part of our life choices – an expression of who we are – our desires and hopes – it’s what makes life enjoyable”

To help with our cultural strategy development, we want to hear from you!

We have included a link to a 10 question survey, and we would really appreciate it if you could reply to this survey by Monday 14th February 2022.

Complete our survey

Thank you very much for your co-operation!

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We aim to respond to all messages within 48 hours.
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