Active Streets is a project funded through the BIG Lottery Reaching Communities Fund and its Partners to provide community engagement sessions.

The project aims to work alongside partner agencies in tackling anti-social behaviour within the hardest to reach communities to provide mentoring, training and volunteering opportunities within sport. Furthermore, delivering the ‘Fit n Fed’ holiday activity programmes.

It particularly targets young people who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) to help increase skills and confidence by providing routes into training, employment, and volunteering opportunities.

The team is managing contracts to deliver Gannow BIG Local organised sports and play activities within the area along with holiday activity programmes within the Borough.

The project has a dedicated team of coaches and volunteers who meet up monthly to discuss delivery methods, training and development opportunities.

The project is keen to hear from any young person or organisations who would like to get involved with the project. Get in touch with us using contact details below.

For more information:

Contact Westley Winchester, Community Sports Coach, on 01282 425011 ext 3229 or 07976 321491 or email

Youth Engagement


Active Streets is delivering a variety of activities within the Community to help tackle issues around boredom, anti-social behaviour, and detached outreach work with young people. The project is currently delivering:

  • Youth Engagement programme funded by Gannow BIG Local to deliver sports and physical activities to young people living in Gannow Ward area of the town.
  • Youth Engagement – Saturday Night delivering organised football matches at Prairie Sports Village from 7pm to 9pm. The sessions are for young people aged 14+

Holiday Clubs


Youth Café – Gannow BIG Local funded delivering sports and physical activities over the school holiday period along with providing pack lunches to young people.

Stoops Fit n Fed – working in Partnership with Chris Keene at West End Community Centre we deliver the schools holiday Fit n Fed Club from 10am – 12pm. Young people are referred to the Club through partner and school referrals for those families and children on free school meals. The fit n fed club has been running for over 4 years and is a great success for the local community.

Active Football


Active Streets team deliver football sessions every Monday and Friday from 11am – at Prairie Sports Village.

This session used to be Walking Football, however, the group are more advanced in playing competitive football matches.

Each session is £3 or free to members.

To book your place contact Active Streets team on 07976321491 or email

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Become an Active Volunteer

Volunteering is at the heart of Active Streets delivery. The contribution from volunteers is invaluable resource that helps effective delivery of our activity programmes. If you are interested in getting involved as a volunteer to develop your personal skills, meet new people and have fun please complete a Registration Form on the link provided;

Young Gannow Big Local – This group has been set-up for young people living in Gannow Ward area to discuss what they want to see being delivered and any new projects and events to plan in the area. A great opportunity for young people to develop skills such as working as a team, communication skills, team building, planning and delivery.

Register to become a volunteer

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